同一バイヤーから、同一製品を4つのオーダーとして受注し、同梱で送りましたが、気に入らないとのことで、バイヤー送料負担で同梱返送してきました。まず1オーダーについて、Return Requestが自動承認されました。それは「バイヤー理由のRetrun」でしたので、初期送料を除いて返金しました。
ところが、バイヤーは残り3件について、「セラー理由」としてReturn Requestを入れてきました。物は受け取っていますので、「その返金はするが、最初のものと同様、初期送料は返せない」との説明をつけて、3件それぞれ、Partial Refund の提案をしました。
しかし、その後1か月以上たっても受諾または拒絶の返信がないまま、なぜかCaseとしてエスカレートされ、直ぐに、バイヤー側に有利な判定にて、初期送料を含む全額返金となってしまいました。この結果、3件の”Cases closed without seller resolution”が追加され、Seller Levelが一気にBelow Standardに落ちる状況になってしまいました。
Our store was recently evaluated as “Below Standard”, because of the following 3 Returns that were escalated as Cases and judged in favor of the buyer.
The reason for these 3 returns was “Doesn’t work or defective”. However, we have an evidence that the buyer told a lie as the reason of return request .Buyer: xxxxxxxxxx
ItemID: 9999999999 (the same for all 4 returns)
Return ID: 8888888888 7777777777 66666666666Please look at another Return ID: 5555555555, which is from the same Buyer, the same ItemID. However, the reason for this was “Doesn’t fit”.
Actually the buyer combined all 4 pieces into 1 package and returned paying for the return shipping fee. Upon receiving the item, we refunded excluding the original shipping fee for this Return. After that, the buyer entered the above 3 return requests, intentionally changing the reason of return. We therefore, proposed partial refund for the 3 returns with the previous amount, but the proposals were ignored, not rejected over a month, then the cases were opened.We do not believe the decisions were correct and we at least would like the defects of ours (Cases closed without seller resolution) to be removed for these 3 cases.
Thank you for re-examination of 3 cases.
I’ve had a chance to go over your message and given the information provided with the previous consultant I can see the reason why you aren’t able to respond. I have reviewed this case and I can see that you have offered a resolution to your buyer so I commend you on that. I can see that you have no issues resolving problems for your customers. From looking at your account, I can clearly see you are an excellent seller and have maintained an excellent track record.. As a resolved, I’m please to let you know that I have manually removed this defect from your account . (原文のまま)